Quoadea quoeconcernunt papae dignitatem, auctoritatem, seu potestatem, et infallibilitatem.
Concerning the extent of Papal dignity, authority, or dominion and infallibility.


1. Papa tantae est dignitatis et cesitudinis, ut non sit simplex homo, sed quasi Deus, et Dei vicarius.

The Pope is of so great dignity and so exalted that he is not mere man, but as it were God, and the vicar of God.

2. Papa adeo summae et supremae dignitatis est, ut proprie loquendo non sit in dignitate constitutus, sed potius in ipso culmine dignitatum positus.

The Pope is of such lofty and supreme dignity that properly speaking he has not been established in any rank of dignity, but rather has been placed upon the very summit of all ranks of dignities.

3. Papa idem est ac Pater patrum.

The Pope is the Father of fathers.

4. Et hoc nomine uti potest solus Summus Pontifex.

Therefore he alone holds the office of Supreme Pontiff.

5. Papa appellatur Sanctissimus, et quare?

The Pope is called most holy, why?

From column 1825:

5. Papa Sanctissimus appellatur, quiatalis vere praesumitur.

The pope is called most holy because he is rightfully presumed to be such.

6. Neque sanctissimi appellari possunt imperatores et reges?

Nor can emperors and kings be called holy, why?

From column 1826:

6. Neque sanctissimi appellari possunt imperatores et reges, quamvis enim in legibus civilibus videatur aliquando usurpatum ab imperatoribus nomen sacratissimi, ut observat card.

Nor can emperors and kings be called most holy; for although in civil laws the term most sacred seems
sometimes to have been usurped by emperors, yet never that of most holy.

7. Merito solus Papa appellatur nomine Sanctissimi, et quare?

The Pope alone merits to be called Most Holy, why?

From column 1826:

7. Et merito solus Papa appellatur nomine Sanctissimi, quia solus ipse est vicarius Christi, qui est fons et origo, atque plenitudo omnis sanctitatis.

The pope alone is deservedly called by the name most holy because he alone is the vicar of Christ, who is the
fountain, source and fullness of all holiness.

8. Papa prae excellentia suae supremae dignitatis vocatur episcopus episcoporum.

The Pope by reason of the excellence of his supreme dignity is called bishop of bishops.

9. Item appellatur Ordinarius ordinariorum.

He is also called Ordinary of ordinaries.

10. Item episcopus universalis Ecclesiae

He is likewise bishop of the universal Church.

11. Item episcopus seu dioecesanus totius orbis.

He is a bishop with jurisdiction over the whole globe.

12. Item divinus monarcha, ac imperator supremus et rex regum.

He is likewise the divine monarch, and supreme emperor, and king of kings.

13. Hinc Papa triplici corona coronatur tanquam rec coeli, terre et infernoram.

Hence the Pope is crowned with a triple crown, as king of heaven and of earth and of hell.

14. Imo Romani Pontificis excellentia, et potestas, nedum est circa coelestia, terrestria et infernalia, set etiam super angelos, quorum ipse major est.

Moreover the superiority and the power of the Roman Pontiff by no means pertains only to heavenly things, but also earthly things, and to things under the earth, and even over the angels, whom he is greater than.

15. Ita ut si foret possibile, quod angeli errarent in fide, vel contra fidem sentirent, per Papam judicari et excommunicari possent.

So that if it were possible that the angels might err in the faith, or might think contrary to the faith, they could be judged and excommunicated by the Pope.

16. Papa tantae est dignitatis ut faciat unum, et idem tribunal cum Christo.

For he is of so great dignity and power that he forms one and the same tribunal with Christ.

17. Adeo ut quidquid facit Papa, ab ore Dei videatur procedere.

So that whatever the Pope does, seems to proceed from the mouth of God.

18. Deveniendo ad Papae auctoritatem, Papa est quasi Deus in terra unicaus Christifidelium princeps, regum omnium rex maximus, plenitudinem potestatis continens, cui terreni simul, ac coelestis imperii gubernacula ab omnipotenti Deo credita sunt.

As to papal authority, the Pope is as it were God on earth, Sole sovereign of all the faithful of Christ, chief king of kings, having a plentitude of unbroken power, entrusted by the omnipotent God to govern the earthly and heavenly kingdoms.

19. Congruunt ulterius quaod Papae summam auctoritatem et potestatem texius juris Caesarei.

Consistent beyond that superior papal authority and dominion is derived from the law of the Caesars.

20. Non minis summam Papae auctoritatem, et potestatem extollunt rescripta et dogmata virorum aliorum Imperatorum.

By no means lessened, superior Papal authority and dominion appear dogmatically in letters from various Emperors.

21. Magis magisque supremam Papae auctoritatem, potestatemque extollunt plurimi sacri canones et ibi canonistae communiter.

More and more, supreme Papal authority and dominion is extolled in many sacred canons and within canons commonly.

22. Egregium dictum S. Cyrilli Alexandrini de admirabili auctoritate, seu potestate Summi Pontificis.

Distinguished dictates of Saint Cyril Alexander of admirable authority, or dominion Supreme Pontiff.

23. Hinc jam communis opinio docet, quod Papa utriusque gladii habeat potestatem, spiritualem, scilicet, et temporalem.

Hence the common doctrine teaches to what extent the Pope possesses authority to punish capitol crimes, spiritual, of course, and temporal.

24. Quae opinio auctoritate sanctorum Patrum, juris canonici et civilis dispositione, et Apostolicis constitutionibus latissime confirmatur.

Which opinion is abundantly confirmed by the authoritative sacred fathers, the canons of civil law, and Apostolic constitutions.

25. Adeo ut contrarium affirmantes videantur adhaerere fere illi opinioni haereticorum reprobatae per Bonifacium VIII in extravagant. Unam Sanctam 1, De obedient.

Indeed contrary declarations appear similar to those opinions considered as reprobate by Boniface VIII in his extravagant. Bull Unam Sanctam 1, the obedient.

26. Unde principes et reges, infideles possunt per sententiam Papae privari in certis casibus Dominio, quod habent super fideles.

Hence infidel princes and kings, by the decision of the Pope, may be deprived, in certain cases, of the dominion which they have over the faithful.

27. Et inde Papa provincias, quae olim Christianorum erant, ab infidelibus occupatas, alicui ex principibus Christianis regendas concedit.

And hence the pope may cede those provinces, which formerly belonged to Christians, that were subsequently occupied by infidels, to any Christian princes to be redeemed.

28. Imo Papa in casibus, quibus propter haeresim regis, videat periclitari religionem illius regni, fidemque aliorum, nec aliter tanto damno succurri possit, tunc potest non solum a rege regnum, sed etiam ab ejus successoribus, si illud debeliaverit, concedere.

In cases in which, on account of the heresy of the king, the religion of the kingdom, and the faith of others seem to be in danger, if he can in no other way prevent this loss, the pope may not only deprive him of his kingdom, be he may also concede it to a Christian  prince and his successors, if this prince will fight for it and conquer it.

29. Afferuntur ad id varia exempla.

Offered therefore are various examples.

30. "Papa tantae est auctoritatis et potestatis, ut possit quoque leges divinas modificare, declarare, vel interpretari, ad num.

The Pope is of so great authority and power, that he is able to modify, declare, or interpret even divine laws.

30. "Papa jus divinum potest modificare, cum ejus potestas non sit ex homine, sed ex Deo, et in terris Dei vices fungitur com amplissima potestate oves suas ligandi, et solvendi"

"The Pope can modify divine law, since his power is not of man but of God, and he acts as vicegerent of God upon earth with most ample power of binding and loosing his sheep.

31. - 32. Papa id potest de se solo etiam sine generali concilio. Est enim Papa supra concilium generale, et non e contra.

The Pope has sole power also at general councils. As the Pope is above general councils, they may not contradict him.

33. Quanto vero Papa major, et excellentior est omnibus, tanto humiliorem se reputat, et nominat, ac se vocat Servum servorum Dei.

Truly how great the Pope is, his excellency is universal, his reputation of great humility, and renown, indeed he is called the Servant to the servants of God.

34. Papa quare se vocet Servum servorum Dei?

Why is the Pope himself called the Servant to the servants of God?

35. Quis fuerit primus Pontifex qui se Servus servorum Dei nominavit?

Who was the first Pontiff named the Servant of God's servants?